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Coder's Bot


We do not take responsibility for any damage, or legal issues, done with these files here at AT Products, Ethical Hacking Society, CodingHome, or The Script Community.

Use a virtual machine if it's a computer virus, and never open them on your physical machine. As a pre-caution, download them on your VM.

If it's a APK file, use a APK Emulator.

More information on Virtual Machines (VM)
More information on APK Emulators

Viruses & Malware

Meme_Coin (ZIP) Meme_Coin (EXE) My_App (ZIP) Myballzhert (ZIP) by Dream3456789

Password: "mysubsarethebest" (

Trojan_Spyer (EXE) by MagSam2

Nuking Discord Bot (ZIP) Scam (ZIP) by the pfp is for nuking kpopserver

BFF_DoS (exe) Code (TXT) Baby (BAT) BabyCodes (TXT) by Corrupt Assassin

Apps & Software

SMS Bomb (APK) by CodingLive

Python Basics

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JavaScript Basics

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HTML Basics

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